TABLE OF CONTENT | P.S. Norac (psnorac.com)

This website is dedicated to demanding that the radical left explains to us how carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas since this contradicts the science we learned in grade school. Considering that we will be spending trillions of dollars on the Green New Deal, the world has a right to know


     Runaway inflation. It is time for the Democrats and the Republicans to demand from the radical left answers how carbon dioxide can cause global warming when the facts show there isn't enough carbon dioxide in our atmosphere to cause global warming.

Energy independence means that we are independent of the global energy supply system. And that the energy produced here goes to America first. This is what the Biden administration has failed to address. We are giving away our nation’s wealth. Since the source of the energy that they produce comes from The United States they shouldn’t be allowed to sell energy outside of the United States unless the energy sold in the United States represents the smallest margin of profit. Cost plus. Cheap energy gives everybody a raise. Investors should feel patriotic about their investment in energy knowing that it is the soul of our economy. Knowing that their investment has a higher moral return. Oil executives should have the same patriotism. Having cheap energy, we’ll ensure the growth of the middle class with everybody sharing in the gain A strong middle class is the power behind democracy.

Demand that we go back to energy independence immediately.

Will you help us get this message out?

To understand the danger, you need to view to this video




If fossil fuels had never come into existence, the earth would still be facing the threat of global warming caused by carbon dioxide, If we were to believe these fools’ reasoning.   


There is no intelligent scientific path for carbon dioxide to be a greenhouse gas.   Demand that we go back to energy independence immediately.

Get this information to as many people as you can



Our country is being threatened by the application of the Green New Deal.